Christmas Across America
Christmas Across America is a program with the purpose of reaching our local community with the gospel. At various times in December, CEF® workers and volunteers will band together to teach neighborhood children at several different Christmas party clubs. These hour and a half clubs will consist of games, songs, a memory verse, and a Bible lesson.
If you’re interested in either hosting or volunteering at these clubs, give us a call at (541) 342-8682 or contact us here. Training will be provided for the volunteers.
Evergreen District CEF Child Evangelism Teacher Trainings
Evergreen District CEF offers weekly teacher training opportunities throughout Lane County. This is perfect for Release-Time Class and After-School program teachers, Sunday School teachers, and others who want to learn how to teach the Bible to children. The weekly classes follow CEF Press curriculum that coordinates with the lessons taught in the Good News Club® Release-Time and After-School Bible classes.
CEF also offers special training for your church’s Sunday School Teachers; for a list of seminar topics contact us here.
Good News Day Camp – Eugene & Cottage Grove
There are two summer camps for elementary school children from 1st grade through 6th. One is at a church in Cottage Grove and the Eugene camp is held at Living Waters Christian Camp on the McKenzie River, just outside of Springfield, Oregon.
The camps offer a week-long adventure in games, song, Scripture memorizing, Bibles stories, swimming (at the Living Waters camp) and more! Buses are available to pick up and drop off boys and girls at convenient locations each morning in Eugene and Springfield for the Living Waters Camp.
• Online Camp Registration Form •
Cost for the Eugene-Springfield Living Waters Camp is only $90 per child if pre-registered by July 1st, 2024, and $100 per child if registered after July 1st.
Eugene-Springfield Day Camp Brochure & Registration • August 12th – 16th
The Cottage Grove camp is $25 if pre-registered by June 22th, 2024 or $35 if registered after June 22th.
Cottage Grove Camp Brochure & Registration • July 8th – July 12th
Good News Club
Good News Club® is a Release-Time or After-School ministry where CEF-trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools or churches, or other similar places where children can easily and safely meet with their parents’ permission. Each week the teacher presents an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press®. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on reinforcing the lesson’s theme.
Each club includes a clear Gospel presentation and an opportunity for children to trust Jesus as Savior. Every club includes strong discipleship training to build character and strengthen moral and spiritual growth. All children are encouraged to attend a local church.
Read or download our Release Time Bible Class flyer.
5-Day Club
This summer ministry brings boys and girls together for five consecutive days—from one to 1 1/2 hours each day—to play fun and exciting games, learn the Word of God, sing songs, memorize life-changing Bible verses, listen to exciting missionary stories, and hear the Gospel clearly presented. Each 5-Day Club® is taught by trained Christian Youth in Action teenagers, or a CEF-trained teacher. Clubs take place in homes and churches in the Eugene-Springfield area and throughout Lane County.
If you would like your child to be in a 5-Day-Club, or would like to host a club, please contact us!
Christian Youth in Action
Christian Youth in Action®, or CYIA™, is a summer program developed and run by CEF staff and volunteers. At this week-long training session, students learn how to effectively share the Gospel message with boys and girls. They are also trained to lead 5-Day Clubs. CYIA is open to students who are going into 8th grade (at least 13 years of age) through high school. Participating in CYIA gives students many opportunities to share the Gospel—and witness the miracle of salvation in children who hear and receive the Good News!
Community Outreach
Evergreen CEF is involved in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout Lane County. From Fair Ministry with Story Booths and Wordless Book, to Open Air Evangelism with our CYIA students.
We sponsor CEF Parties hosted by interested parents, and an Adopt-A-School program where we partner with churches in reaching out to their local schools. We help train their Sunday School teachers and provide ministry opportunities in our Release-Time and After-School Good News Club programs.
Mailbox Club
The CEF Mailbox Club is an opportunity to grow in relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This discipleship ministry is a free correspondence Bible class open to anyone who’d like to enroll. Hundreds of thousands of people are a part of the CEF Mailbox club. It’s perfect for all ages, even adults!
You can sign up online to have your first lesson mailed to your or child. Complete the lesson and mail it back. It will be sent back with comments—and a new lesson. Or read a sample children’s lesson and complete it online right now!
Kids, Call This Number! 1-888-878-8660
The CEF Tel-A-Story ministry operates by a toll-free number 24-hours a day. A child may simply call in to hear a story and the Gospel. The story changes each day. Some are Bible stories, some are true stories that really happened, while others are fictional stories that encourage children in good behavior. There is an opportunity at the end of the story to be connected to a Good News Guide who can answer questions.